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Call for Applications – 2020 CLP Conservation Awards

Writer's picture: aghomoflorenceaghomoflorence

The Conservation Leadership Programme (CLP) aims to advance biodiversity conservation globally by building the leadership capabilities of early-career conservation professionals working in high-priority places with limited capacity to address conservation issues. Thanks to support from Arcadia – a charitable fund of Lisbet Rausing and Peter Baldwin, CLP has announced this call for applications with increased funding amounts and increased number of eligible countries!

CLP is thrilled to be able to offer 2020 Conservation Awards for projects in low and middle income countries in Africa, Asia, Eastern and South-eastern Europe, the Middle East, the Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean. Countries that are not eligible include those designated as high-income economies by the World Bank, with the exception of some countries and island nations in the Pacific and Caribbean. Check the Guidelines on our website for more information.

We will offer three levels of Conservation Awards:

 Future Conservationist Awards: Up to $15,000 per project

 Conservation Follow-Up Awards: Up to $25,000 per project (available only to previous CLP Future Conservationist Award winners)

 Conservation Leadership Awards: Up to $50,000 per project (available only to previous CLP Follow-Up Award winners)

SAVE THE DATE: The deadline for funding applications is 24 November 2019

Those applying for a Conservation Follow-Up or Conservation Leadership Award must submit a Logical Framework and the Final Report of their previous CLP project to CLP by 18 October 2019. If the Logical Framework and Final Report are satisfactory, the team will be invited to submit a full proposal by 24 November 2019. Awards will be announced in April 2020.

Basic eligibility criteria (full criteria is posted to our website):

 CLP Awards are for team-based projects – each team must have at least three people.

 At least 50% of the team must be nationals of the country where the project is taking place.

 For Future Conservationist Awards, all team members must be early-career conservationists with no more than 5 years of paid work experience in the conservation sector. ‘Paid work experience’ does not include research for a university degree.

 The project must focus on globally important species for biodiversity conservation that are at risk. We consider a species to be ‘at risk’ if it is designated as globally threatened (CR, EN, VU) or data deficient (DD) by the IUCN Red List OR if there is information suggesting that urgent conservation action is needed.

 Proposed projects must go beyond academic research being carried out for a degree.

Please follow CLP on social media and and keep up to date with our website for further news and complete details on the application process.

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